Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am pretty worried about getting a new job when my current one ends. I have been thinking about it a lot since I have been home sick the past two days. I don't do well when I have a lot of free time on my hands. I am planning on doing some volunteer work next semester. I want to volunteer at the local food bank and I am hoping to volunteer at my current job when it ends to help them out. The jobs I looked at online today were all jobs that I am underqualified for. That is pretty frustrating. I am retaking the current class I am in next semester. I have come to the realization that I am not good at online classes, so next semester I am taking Micosoft Office in a classroom. I got so far behind this semester for a number of reasons. I am going to apply for a pell grant and see if I can get some money to help me go to school.

I have enjoyed spending more time with my cat. He is happy that I have been home the past two days. I taught my cat to fetch. He doesn't know that is a trick for dogs, so don't tell him.

Oprah has a contest that I am going to enter. I need to write out my submission and I am going to start that today. Winning the contest would change my life. I would be able to go to school full-time to to get my Bachelor's something that I really want to do.

Well, I am going to run and start my letter to Oprah. I hope everyone has a good evening.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hey Happy Sunday Everyone,

It is a great day. I am looking forward to church and to the temple dedication tonight. It has been awhile since I have been to one, at least five years. They are a great spiritual experience.

I have decided that I do want to take my last class next semester. I am planning on working part-time and finishing up the last class I need to get the certificate. I have been looking for a new job and it seems most of the jobs require more experience than I have. I am not sure how to get around that. I have been working in an office setting for six months and most jobs require a year to two years experience. So I will have to keep plugging along in school to get more education.

If anyone knows of someone who is hiring and office clerk/office assistant please let me know.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

To take a class or not to take a class

Hi all, I hope everyone is having a good morning! I am finally posting some on this blog. It is looking better. I am hoping to update several times a week. I hope that I will have something to say. If not then I won't post.

I am meeting with someone today to determine what I will be doing next semester. I am planning on working but I would also like to take a class. If I do well in my class this semester then I only have one more to take to get my certificate. I think it will help me to get a better job. I would eventually like to get my bachelor's but I am going to need to work for awhile and save up to be able to do that.

I have several things I need to do today. First and foremost I need to work but afterwards I really need to study for my class and also need to spend time looking for a new job.

Myles is having fun playing with a toy I gave him several weeks ago. Most of his toys get destroyed quickly but this one has lasted a lot longer. I have gotten a lot of mileage from it.

Well I hope everyone has a good Thursday and I will talk to you all later.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I am reading a great new book that I picked on Saturday at Barnes and Noble. It is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I am loving it and am having trouble putting it down. Saturday was the start of the new me. I am using the tools I am learning in the book to be more the person I want to be. I have some bad habits that I am going to change. I am encourage everyone who hasn't read it to pick it up and if you have read it to read it again.

I am commited to being consistent in every thing I do, whether it be church,work or school.

I am committed to doing more volunteer work. I am not going to be able to contribute much in terms of financial support so I will need to find other ways to give. One of the charities I am passionate about is the World Food Program. They have a website where you can go and play games and while you are playing are donating free rice to places where people are going without food. You don't even have to pay anything. So for those of us in a financial crunch because of the economy this is a great way to give. I have the link on my blog. Check it out!F

Monday, November 3, 2008

This weekend I went to Tally to attend the Hootenanny and to see my parents. I had a great time. I rode up with Michelle and Lori. The Hootenanny starting at 6:30 with hamburgers and hotdogs followed by square dancing and a bonfire. About seven people from the College Park ward went up to Tally and it was great getting to know them better. I also met some new people.
Sunday we attended church in the Tally 5th ward and church was amazing. The spirit was so strong. I could really see myself in the 5th ward if I were to move back next year. I am considering moving back home after next year. I would like to spend more time around my parents and I want to be apart of the Tally community.