Saturday, December 3, 2011

got a job, lost a job, one door closes, another opens

So I a few weeks I started a custodial job.  I really enjoyed cleaning the temple.  They decided last week that they weren't going to us me anymore.  So when one door closes another opens. I am planning on finishing up my AA degree.  I only have three classes left to take.  Will you keep me in my prayers. I need financial aid to be to take all three next semester.  I should find out if I am getting a grant some time later this week.  It is hard waiting.  If I don't get the finaicial aid I decided that I will just take one in the Spring and reaaply for financial aid for the summer turn.  It looks like though there is a strong possibility I will get the Grant.

We had a ward Christmas party tonight. It was a lot of fun Seems like time flew by quite a bit can't believe it is almost time for Christmas.