Saturday, December 3, 2011

got a job, lost a job, one door closes, another opens

So I a few weeks I started a custodial job.  I really enjoyed cleaning the temple.  They decided last week that they weren't going to us me anymore.  So when one door closes another opens. I am planning on finishing up my AA degree.  I only have three classes left to take.  Will you keep me in my prayers. I need financial aid to be to take all three next semester.  I should find out if I am getting a grant some time later this week.  It is hard waiting.  If I don't get the finaicial aid I decided that I will just take one in the Spring and reaaply for financial aid for the summer turn.  It looks like though there is a strong possibility I will get the Grant.

We had a ward Christmas party tonight. It was a lot of fun Seems like time flew by quite a bit can't believe it is almost time for Christmas.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

Hi friends and family,

I am wishing all of you a happy and joyous holiday weekend.  I will be spending it with my friend K.  I have amazing friends and I feel truly blessed.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

So I am in the job hunt again. I am looking at working at the local grocery store. Today I am going to fill out the application and turn in a reference. I have talked to the store manager several times and this job lead looks promising.

I am hoping to save up money so I can return to school in the fall and finish a regional associate's degree. Once I have it I will be able to get into any 4 year university automatically.

Also to update an earlier post, Max my cat passed away in a building fire due to smoke inhalation. I am still grieving his loss :( One thing that is helping a lot is my new adopted cat Lilly. Pictures of Lilly will be posted soon!

Today I had an appointment at the dentist to have a permanent crown put on, but it didn't fit, so I will need to go back in a week to try again. My dentist is the best! He didn't charge me for today. He is really kind as well and wants to make sure going to the dentist is a pleasant experience for all who see him. I will just call him Dr. D.

Till next time....

Introducing Lilly